"Just as we want quality in everything in this life, Allah Rabbul Izzah wants quality in our amaal."
Hadzrat Maulana Zulfiqar Ahmad
Naqshbandi Mujaddidi (db)
Hadzrat Maulana Zulfiqar Ahmad
Naqshbandi Mujaddidi (db)
"Just as we want quality in everything in this life, Allah Rabbul Izzah wants quality in our amaal."
Hadzrat Maulana Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi Mujaddidi (db) "Oh Allah, give me junuuni ishq of my shaykh". Make me love my shaykh at the level of junuun. At the level of madness."
❤❤❤ -The dua given by Shaykh Mushtaq Ahmad (db) to our shaykh, Shaykh Mustafa Kamal (db) and are recommended for us to make the same dua' as well The Prophet (saws) said that you should love Allah (Jalla Jalaluhu) until people say that you are majnun (mad). This does not mean actual madness/insanity, but indicates intensity of love, same as is required in the ayah, "wallazeena aamanu ashaddu hubban lillah" (the believers are intense in their love for Allah). And we are taught that love for the Shaykh and love for the Prophet (saws) are all necessary precursors to love for Allah, so the more intense our love for our Shaykh, the more intense will be our love for the Prophet (saws) and the more intense will be our love for Allah (swt). The real objective is love for Allah (swt) but we cannot truly achieve that until we love the Prophet (saws) and we cannot truly achieve that until we love our Shaykh. -Ustadha Myra Kamal Sedikit perkongsian oleh Maulana Jamal semasa menziarahi di madrasah beliau :
"Kenapa kita rasa berat beribadat? Roh kita perlu makanan sebagaimana tubuh badan kita. Tapi makanannya ialah zikir.. Badan kita perlukan makanan seperti nasi, ikan, ayam dan sebagainya tapi itu hanya dapat dimakan semasa badan kita sihat. Bila kita tak sihat, kita cuma makan sikit sahaja seperti bubur, sup dan lain². Walaupun sakit, kita mesti makan kerana jika tidak makan badan akan semakin lemah. Bila sudah sihat semula barulah kita makan nasi, ayam dan lain². Dan makanan seperti ini khasiatnya ialah memberi tenaga pada badan kita. Begitu juga dengan roh, kita solat banyak, rajin berzikir, banyak membaca al Quran bila roh kita sihat. Tapi masalahnya roh kita tak sihat sekarang, sebab tu kita ibadat sikit². Walaupun bagaimanapun, utk roh itu kuat kembali hendaklah dengan berzikir selalu, ia ibarat seperti bubur, sup dan makanan yg sesuai kita makan semasa sakit. Apabila roh sudah sihat barulah zikir 10-15 minit boleh tambah 20-30-minit atau 1 jam.. Barulah rasa nikmat baca alquran, solat banyak² dan ibadat² yg lain" -ditulis oleh ustaz Uthman Daud- Important Points From Today's Jummah Khutba by our Beloved HG Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad db!
✳Three things which are greater than sin itself: 1)To consider a sin as a small thing. 2) To be happy after committing sin. 3) To announce your sin publicly. ✳After Effects Of Sin: 1) Allah subhanawu Tae'laa become angry with person who commit sin. 2) Person distanced from jannah and brought closer to jahanum. 3) Angles are disturbed by that person. 4) Allah's Beloved Rasool Allah Sallaho Aleha Wasalam become sad. 5) The place on which person committed sin becomes a witness against him on day of Qiyamah. 6) A person started become proud over his good deeds, considers himself something better than others. 7) That person disliked by Allah Subhanwu Tae'laa & Allah punishes him by taking away the pleasures of worship from him. This is a sign of anger of Allah SWT. Another sign is the dryness of the eye, the eye which does not cry for Allah SWT. 🌟Remember Allah Subhanwu Tae'laa is very forgiving & merciful but there are some sins which cause iman (faith) to be snatched away at the time of death. They are three : 1) The person who is not happy, grateful about being Muslim. Note: Nowadays it’s such a time that people hide their Islam from others ( looks wise no one can recognize them as a Muslim). 2) The person who consider commandments of Allah's Quran as a burden, that person’s iman is wasted at the time of death. Note: The people who Loves Allah they fear losing their iman due to any deed which unpleased Allah SWT. 3)To harm other human beings & other Muslims. 🌟 4 Rewards For Tawwabeen: Note :The person who do Tawbah from sins , purify their heart from hasd/bughz/keena; separate from sinful ones, and prepare for death. The person who does these four things is rewarded by Allah Kareem. First, Allah SWT loves such a person. Second, Allah SWT wipes out such a person’s sins. Third, Allah Kareem saves this person from Shaytan. Fourth, Allah SWT saves the person’s iman at the time of death Subhan Allah. 🌟A Momin should ask Allah for forgiveness over every small or big sin. Do so much tawbah that Shaytan gets tired of you and says, “I make him/her do sins repeatedly yet he/she does so much tawbah that Allah Subhanwu Tae'laa converts his/her sins into good deeds.” Subhan Allah "The weaker your connection with you shaykh, the weaker your amaal will be. The stronger your rabitah, the stronger your zikir will be."
Shaykh Mustafa Kamal Naqshbandi Mujaddidi (db) Nazar bar Qadam is a farsi (persian) term used by our Naqshbandi elders, which literally means, "Eyes on the Feet." It has 3 layers of meaning:
1) That literally we should lower our gaze and look down at our feet so that firstly, our gaze does not fall on ghair mehrams, and secondly, to maintain our focus on Allah (swt) because the sights around us will distract us from His remembrance. 2) To look at the example of the Prophet (saws) and follow exactly in his footsteps; to know where he stepped and to put our feet exactly where he put them in the path to Allah (swt) by following his sunnah so that we do not go off the path. 3) To keep our sight focused on the steps that we have to take in our spiritual journey, and not look too far beyond. When a person is climbing stairs, if he keeps looking at the top of the staircase then there is danger of him tripping and falling and then he will never make it to the top. He must look instead at where he has to put his foot next, and then step by step he will reach the top of the staircase. Same is with our spiritual journey, we must stay focused on what we have to do at this time and take the steps that are necessary for us now, rather that just thinking and talking about high goals that are at the moment beyond our reach as this will become a distraction. And Allah knows best. -by Ustadha Myra Kamal Nazar bar Qadam ialah istilah Parsi yang digunakan oleh ulama Naqshbandi. Istilah ini bermaksud "Mata (pandangan) ke arah kaki". Ia mempunyai 3 peringkat tafsiran makna:
1)Secara zahir, ini bermaksud kita kena tundukkan pandangan dan memandang ke arah kaki kita supaya yang paling penting, kita tidak memandang kepada bukan mahram. Kedua, untuk mengekalkan tumpuan kita kepada Allah SWT kerana pemandangan di sekeliling kita boleh jadi asbab kita lalai daripada mengingati Allah SWT. 2) Dengan mencontohi Rasulullah ﷺ dan mengikuti jejak langkah Baginda ﷺ; dengan kita mengetahui di mana arah langkah Baginda dan kita mengikuti jejak langkah ini seperti mana yang telah Baginda lakukan dalam perjalanan menuju Allah SWT. Iaitu dengan mengikuti sunnah Baginda supaya kita tidak tersasar dari perjalanan tersebut. 3) Untuk memelihara pandangan kita supaya sentiasa fokus terhadap laluan yang perlu dilalui dalam perjalanan rohani kita, dan tidak terlalu memandang ke hadapan. Seseorang yang menaiki tangga dengan dirinya asyik memandang ke puncak tangga, maka keadaan ini boleh menyebabkan mudarat kepada dirinya yang mana dia mungkin akan tersadung dan terjatuh, yang akhirnya dia takkan sampai ke puncak pun. Sepatutnya dia harus memandang langkah seterusnya yang perlu diambil dari satu anak tangga ke anak tangga yang seterusnya sehinggalah dia sampai ke puncak tangga tersebut. Begitu juga perjalanan rohani kita, kita mesti beri tumpuan pada apa yang perlu untuk kita lakukan sekarang dan mengambil langkah yang sepatutnya dibuat pada masa sekarang daripada hanya berfikir dan bercakap mengenai matlamat yang tinggi yang kita tahu masih jauh untuk dicapai pada masa ini. Perkara sebegini akan mengganggu tumpuan dalam perjalanan rohani kita. Allahu 'a'lam Wuqoof e qalbi ni maksudnya hati kita sentiasa mengingati Allah dalam setiap masa dan keadaan, tanpa ada saat kita lalai daripada lupa kepada Allah.
Hazrat bagi contoh, kalau seseorang tu nak naik ✈️ di sebelah petang, walaupun pada sepenuh hari tersebut dia buat perkara lain seperti jemput anak dari sekolah, beli barangan keperluan...tetapi dia tetap tak akan lupa yg petang itu dia perlu naik ✈️. Bukanlah bermaksud dia sentiasa fikir "nak naik ✈️, nak naik ✈️ " tapi dalam masa yg sama dia tak lupa perkara itu. Begitu juga keadaan hati kita mestilah sentiasa mengingati Allah dalam apa pun keadaan. Tetapi disebabkan hati kita sudah biasa dilalaikan daripada ingat kepada Allah, maka untuk bentuk hati kita jadi ingat kepada Allah, kita perlu selalu peringatkan diri secara sedar, secara paksa. Untuk itu, kita boleh cuba ingat nama Allah, ataupun lazimi hati kita untuk berada dalam keadaan muraqabah. Tetapi kita perlu tahu bukanlah ini maksud wuquf e qalbi yang sebenar, adapun ini cuma antara jalan untuk mencapai wuquf e qalbi. Imam e Rabbani, Mujaddid Ali Thani (rah) cakap bila kita buat sesuatu untuk mendapat keredhaan Allah, ataupun buat sesuatu berlandaskan shariat & sunnah, maka itulah wuquf e qalbi kerana kita buat bersama ingat kita kepada Allah. Itu lah sebenarnya objectif wuqul e qalbi yang mana setiap tingkah laku, gerak geri kita menepati kehendak Allah Ta'ala. Kita akan terjerumus dalam maksiat dan dosa pada waktu yang kita berpaling atau lalai daripada ingat Allah. Seperti contoh oleh Shaykh Mustafa, jika seseorang buat lawak semata-mata untuk buat orang lain rasa gembira kerana Allah, dan dia buat lawak yang tidak bertentangan dengan syariat (tak menipu, tak menyinggung org lain dsb), dan bila orang lain rasa senang dengan lawaknya lalu dia syukur, maka ketika dia buat lawak ini pun, dia dalam kedaan wuquf e qalbi. Apabila semua perkara mula jadi asbab kamu ingat Allah, dan dalam setiap keadaan, kamu fikir bagaimana perbuatan ini boleh jadi asbab redha Allah, maka inilah wuquf e qalbi. Tetapi pada awalnya kita perlu paksa diri kita, kerana hati kita ini tak biasa dengan ingat Allah. Pernah sekali saya beritahu pada Hazrat bahawa kepala saya sakit sebab saya tekan diri saya untuk fokus pada Allah, hazrat kata ini biasa pada permulaan. Tetapi lama-kelamaan akan jadi kebiasaan, sehingga bila kita cuba nak lupa pun tak boleh. Maksudnya di sini, walau kita cuba nak lupa yang Allah melihat kita dan kita nak buat dosa, kita takkan mampu buat demikian. Tak mampu lupa. Dalam contoh nak naik ✈ tadi, apabila kita kata orang itu takkan lupa tentang nak naik ✈, maknanya dia akan pastikan urusanya takkan ambil masa lama supaya dia tak lewat ke airport. Walaupun dia ada banyak urusan, dia akan pastikan dia dah kemas begnya, dan dia juga akan pastikan dia terlebih dahulu dah buat pertukaran wang dan buat semua persediaan untuk pemergiannya. Begitu juga wuquf e qalbi, yakni tak kira apa kita buat seharian, kita perlu pastikan kita buat semua kerana redha Allah dan sebagai persediaan untuk bertemu Allah. Kerana sama seperti sekiranya orang yang nak naik ✈ tadi lupa, maka dia mungkin akan terlepas penerbangannya dan terlepas peluang untuk jumpa keluarga dan sahabat yang tunggu kedatangan dia. Jika kita lupa Allah, kita juga boleh terlepas peluang untuk bertemua Allah di Jannah Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Wuqoof e qalbi
Naqshbandi Mujaddidi way, A beautiful explanation ❤ Wuqoof e qalbi means that we should at all times be attentive to Allah, never forget Him. The example that our Hazrat gives is that if a man has to catch a flight in the evening, even if the whole day he is doing other unrelated chores, like picking his kids from school or buying groceries, he will never for even a minute forget that he has to catch a flight that evening. That doesn't mean he is actively thinking all the time that "I have a flight, I have a flight" but at the same time he will never forget. Similarly the state of our heart should be to always remember Allah no matter what we are doing, but because our hearts have become so forgetful of Allah, to make the heart that way at first we have to consciously remind ourselves. For this we can try to think of the name of Allah, or be in a muraqabah-like state, but that is not wuqoof e qalbi itself, it is a way to achieve wuqoof e qalbi. Imam e Rabbani, Mujaddid Alf Thani (rah) says that whenever we are doing something for the pleasure of Allah, or according to the shariah or sunnah, we are in a state of wuqoof e qalbi because we are mindful of Allah. And that is the goal, that our every move is in accordance to the Will of Allah (swt), we will only sin if for those moments we forget about Allah. Like in Shaykh Mustafa's example, if someone is telling jokes with the intention to make others happy for the sake of Allah, and in telling those jokes he is conscious of staying within the bounds of shariah (so, for example, making sure that not a single word is a lie or hurtful or indecent), and if people are feeling happy with his jokes then he is feeling thankful to Allah, then even while telling those jokes he is in a state of wuqoof e qalbi. When everything starts reminding u of Allah, and in making every move you think about how this move can be made to please Allah, this is wuqoof e qalbi. But at first we need to force ourselves, because our hearts are not used to this. I remember once I told Hazrat ji that my head hurts because I am trying so hard to retain my concentration on Allah and he said that this is normal at first But eventually it starts to come naturally, then even if you try to forget u can't. This means that even if for a moment u want to forget that Allah is watching and do a sin you won't be able to. In the example of the man who has to catch a flight, by saying that he will never forget we mean that he will make sure that his chores don't take so long that they delay his departure for the airport, he will make sure that eventhough he has to do these chores he must pack his suitcases, he will make sure that in addition to these chores he must also convert his currency and do whatever else is needed for his travels. Same is the case with wuqoof e qalbi, that no matter what else we are doing in our day to day lives, we must make sure that the pleasure of Allah is not compromised, and that we are preparing for our meeting with Him. Because just like if the man forgets about his flight he will be in danger of missing it and losing the chance to meet his family and friends waiting for him at his destination, if we forget about Allah we will be in danger of losing our chance to meet Allah in Jannah. -by Ustadha Myra Kamal |
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