Habib Umar was asked, what are the intentions should we intend upon the impending departure of Ramadhan?
Habib replied,
1) Intend to be with the people who spent their whole time with Ramadhan.
2) Express our relationship with Allah subhanahu wata’ala through our day & night practices.
3) Improve our khidmah with the Ummah of our Beloved ﷺ through 3 main ways, knowledge, purification of the heart & dakwah.
4) Yearning for Allah’s pleasure & making RasulAllah ﷺ happy.
5) Always strengthening our heart, being present with Allah, especially during prayer, reading of the Al-Qur’an & the remembrance of Him subhanahu wata’ala.
6) Creating/attending events of remembrance of Him with our friends, families for Allah.
7) Intend to perform the sunnah of the 6 days of fasting in Shawwal.
8) Intend to fast on special days like, the day of Arafah, Tas’ua & Ash’ura.
9) Intend to fast at least 3 days every month.
May Allah allow us to act upon these intentions and reward us if we were unable to act upon due to our ailments, heedlessness & our many excuses.
Ya Arhamar Rahimeen
Ya Arhamar Rahimeen
Ya Arhamar Rahimeen.